Wednesday, 31 December 2014

another one bites the dust

fuck off 2014, you absolute bellend
well it's that time of year again when we're drowned in "new year new me" statuses and tweets. for some, it's exhausting but for others, it's quite nice to see friends so happy and determined/motivated. i'm over the moon to see how well 2014 treated a lot of you and equally as upset about how fucking tragic it was for some others. but it's done now. no point crying over spilt milk. let's just leave it in the past and then keep our heads held high, ready for 2015.

Tuesday, 30 December 2014

we don't take nothing from nobody

remember when i had hair?
it's just dawned on me that i will have written exactly 150 posts by the time 2014 is over. hang on now. that is a whole lot of fuckery that you've absorbed over the past 5 months and that's a whole lot of fuckery that i've e-pooed out and forced down your throats. oh god, what's happening here? let's save the emotional talk and faecal metaphors for tomorrow's "oh jesus it's nearly the new year" post. instead i want to talk to you about five feet of sheer joy that i've been lucky enough to have in my life for the best part of 8 years.

Monday, 29 December 2014

it's people like you that make the world go 'round

monday cuddles with this bear
and just like that, my bad mood is no more. turns out going shopping really does help with "s.a.d" and i encourage all of you to brave the shops now because town wasn't as apocalyptic as it's been over the past few days (granted i've just been for two hours in 1 degree heat at 5pm but that's by the by). there were a few lovely things that happened during my session today which i want to share with you because it might instil you with some faith in the world. if you already have faith, what are you doing on this blog???!!?!

Sunday, 28 December 2014

wanna do something that makes me crazy

owls are SO in right now
THE CHRISTMAS COMEDOWN STRUGGLE IS REAL. i think it's safe to say that the festivities are very much over and that means we need something new to focus on to keep us going. there's new years which is always overrated and underwhelming so let's be realistic and think about something else which is great. like free stuff. and love. or better yet, maybe both? that's right it's time for an overdue and under-appreciated "oh mitch please!" giveaway!!!!!!!!

Saturday, 27 December 2014

in the mall thuggin', buggin', spent a few hundred

post sales meltdown SO MUCH CHEEK
silly me thinking that the world would've calmed down after christmas and boxing day. i thought i would brave the outside world and have a quiet, casual look at what deals were on offer in the shops to buy with my christmas money (because i have around 18p in my account so online shopping i.e MY FAVOURITE MIND was out of the question). as it turns out, i ended up cowering in boots' feminine care aisle for fear of being trampled and killed. but that's by the by, i still bought shit of course. 

Friday, 26 December 2014

nobody loved me like you

thanks mum xo 
well look at that, christmas is over for another year and we're all feeling a bit fatter and probably depressed that our next break is a year away. but we've still got a while until the new year so let's make the most of what we've got. i, for one, had a fucking lovely christmas - spent it, as always, with my family, seeing a few special people amidst my mum's hitler regime for the day. one of those special people is someone you may or may not know so it's time to get everything off my chest before 2015.

Thursday, 25 December 2014


can jew believe how awkward we made this?
now get the fuck off of my blog and spend some quality time with your friends and family xo

Wednesday, 24 December 2014

one more sleep

thank you nursery xo
that's right. christmas eve is finally here so we all know what tomorrow brings!!!?! awkward conversation, unrealistic expectations, underwhelming gifts and oversized jumpers lol jk i think it brings the break we all really need. i was lucky enough to score a half day at work today and, even though i took down all the decorations ready for our 2015 return, it was a nice end to my year there. but now i'm home with a nap under my belt, things are all a bit different.

Tuesday, 23 December 2014

i'll never feel you if i don't tell you

thank you verity xo
there's a mere three and a half hours standing in between me and a week of festive freedom now! yes, i'm into day four of this hangover now. yes, i'm drained in every way, shape and form. yes, i've listened to "underneath the tree" too many times for it to sound even vaguely christmassy anymore. but fuck all of that, spirits are still high even if my excitement for christmas day isn't. i'm going to drink this soya hot chocolate, watch home alone 2 and think about all the things i won't be doing until january 2nd.

Monday, 22 December 2014

it's you that's keeping me alive

what a goddess xo
hey you'll never guess what? i'm still hungover like a motherfucker and i went back to work today to face up to the harsh realities of just how much of a class a prick i was on friday. but, as it turns out, a) i wasn't that bad and b) my lowlights were only in front of lauren who i now love more than ever. so if you're thinking about pulling a sicky because you're embarrassed about talking to the nursery dad you flirted with, just shut the fuck up and go in because he'll probably be too ashamed to send his kid there anymore.

Sunday, 21 December 2014

here i am: walking primrose

maybe i'm a wanker
jesus fucking christ, this is the worst hangover i've had in a long time. maybe even worse than when i slept on the street back in my university days. i have serious beer fear right now: the only silver lining i can find is that 90% of my colleagues went home and didn't see the shit state i got into. didn't see me downing vodka shots like they were going out of fashion; didn't see me flirting with a nursery dad; and definitely didn't see me being sick in my bed (except lauren, i'm so sorry lauren)

Saturday, 20 December 2014

Friday, 19 December 2014

give me everything tonight

attempting to make myself presentable
(forewarning: i am writing the start/majority of this blog a day early because it's my christmas meal/party tonight and i know that i'll be home late/in a rush and won't have time to give you the quality you all deserve so there'll be a few tweaks and such maybe later/tomorrow depending on the shitstate i come home in) HI it's my christmas party tonight and i'm getting dressed up all smart to go and drink fuck tonnes of wine which is exciting and terrifying in equal measure. 

Thursday, 18 December 2014

santa claus is coming to town

all day every fucking day
we had a visit from the one and only santa today! well, not the same one as yesterday but a very impressive santa all the same. also, it's one week until christmas which has me terrified because i thought i'd finished all my shopping until i forced myself to wrap stuff the other day and realised i had a lot left to get. but that's life. so instead of buying things on my lunch, i sat alone in a muddy garden and ate a chocolate bar which was out of this fucking world just fyi. then i went shopping later.

Wednesday, 17 December 2014

never thought that i could be happy

dear verity, i love you
how was your day? did you dress up as a big fat gay santa, mince down some fatally slippery stairs and then stand in front of a fucking huge crowd of 0-4 year olds and their parents to pretend you're a) santa b) straight c) a good singer and d) not actually insane? okay well then take a look at the bigger picture. i went for a glass of wine after work because, well you read the second sentence and i've come home, tired, sweaty and exhausted, to be greeted with a REAL LIFE CHRISTMAS PRESENT AND CARD SENT IN THE POST. 

Tuesday, 16 December 2014

baby it's cold outside

good lord, this is terrifying 
so i spent the majority of today singing christmas songs in front of 2 year olds and their parents so it's safe to say that i'm more than keen to sit the fuck down, make some snowflakes with my work wife and watch christmas films until i die. and guess what? that's what i'm going to do. so i don't really want to be writing a huge blog on all of that because it's self explanatory. i want to eat pizza and talk about boys and there's nothing you can do about it. 

Monday, 15 December 2014

i'm wishing away every day that we're apart

thank you hoops & CJ xo
MONDAY, HERE YOU ARE AGAIN YOU LITTLE BITCH. every cloud mitch, every cloud. i only have one more monday left in work until i'm free for christmas and new year!!!!!!!!!!! a week of freedom never looked so appealing. saying that, a work favourite of mine came back today bearing gifts. and my work cougar even bought me christmas presents! getting excited for the holidays. but that's then and this is now so what better way to kill time? that's right - shopping!

Sunday, 14 December 2014

if you're the only thing i ever get for christmas

ready steady go 
okay so my pity party hasn't finished just yet and i'm back to work tomorrow so what better way to force yourself out of a funk than by spending 5 hours wrapping presents, writing cards and watching christmas films. it's been a weird weekend all in all but maybe today was what i needed to pick me up. i don't feel particularly uplifted right now but it's helped me to realise that a) i still love buying things (for other people) and b) home alone and elf are classics.

Saturday, 13 December 2014

just let me in

real photo of her mum in bath
i've written and deleted this introductory paragraph about 18 times. originally, it was about christmas stuff. then it was a big moan about me feeling emo every weekend. after that, it was a look at my delivery from bear hug and then it was back to my bitter rant about adult life making me tired and poor all the time. but instead of all of that, i've realised that i never did finish up my affectionate look at the musical stylings of gabrielle aplin. so let's have a look at her "home" EP and talk about why it's so good, okay?

Friday, 12 December 2014

everything is black and white and grey

pure & simple
monochrome is the best, isn't it? there's something so wonderfully beautiful about black and white together. it's simple, it's effective, it's understated. 98% of my wardrobe is black, white or grey BUT there is a definite fashion faux pas hiding in there: mixing poorly matched shades together. no. unacceptable. my work jeans have faded to a painful grey/black hybrid but i make sure to wear a statement colour or white alongside it. but that's enough about how not to dress, let's talk more about black and white things.

Thursday, 11 December 2014

don't panic, breathe in slow

FRONT ROW (/what a show)
hey look listen it's probably past midnight, nullifying my "every day blog" but, frankly, i don't care because i'm a bit drunk. yes, it's a school night and no, i don't really care. it's thursday which translates to every city as "thirsty thursday" and after the week i've had, i can tell you one thing for free: i'm not thirsty for a vimto. i'm thirsty for happiness, for stimulation, for interest, for engagement, for booze. so i met up with an old boss tonight and went to an impromptu free gig because it's nearly friday.

Wednesday, 10 December 2014

all these things i hate (revolve around me)

the sweetest sentiment
it's nearly christmas and, if i'm not busy being an emotional sponge then i'm wrapped up (!!!!!!) in trying to think about what to buy people regardless of impending bankruptcy. let's take a moment to think about all the niceties that are there during this festive period - sometimes we're too busy to see them. for example, one of my nursery mums only went and bought me a fucking christmas present didn't she? and it's a clarins men beauty kit. which isn't cheap. and has "mitchgcole" written all over. thankyou so much, sylvia. you BABE

Tuesday, 9 December 2014

you're taking over the beat of my body

eternally relevant
hello, how are you? take a minute to really about that before you answer. i don't ask you guys enough about you - it's become a very mitchgcole-centred world over here at this particular blog and that's something i want to change, especially coming up to christmas. i want to turn it around and look at the bigger picture, rather than the day i've had or the things i've done. i'm craving some interaction, some feedback, some reassurance, some constructive criticism, some inspiration and you can give me that.

Monday, 8 December 2014

all i want for christmas is you

leaning tower of presents 
sweet mother of pearl, this is the sheer amount of christmas joy that i've come home to tonight. i'm expecting deliveries like this every day up until christmas (potential exaggeration) and it's got me thinking about how much i love spending money on people i love. they put up with me for the best part of a year so why not shower them with love, gifts, appreciation, affection and the like? what have you got for your loved ones? i'm asking out of interest and also desperate hope that i can steal a lot of your ideas.

Sunday, 7 December 2014

or am i just hungover you?

these are some of my mates
as you'll know from reading yesterday's scatty post, it was my friend's 30th birthday and i turned up in an outfit that spanned several eras, none of them compliant with the dress theme. all the same, i battled through my social anxiety (no thanks to my doctor who refused to prescribe me any more meds IT'S CHRISTMAS AND I DON'T WANT TO FEEL PANICKED) and danced to rock and roll in a bar full of people, 15% of whom i knew. and you know what? it was really good.

Saturday, 6 December 2014

i can see clearly now the rain has gone

this was on a saturday i think
there's so many songs with saturday in the title/lyrics and that's because, as everyone knows, it's the best day of the week. an above average girl band even named themselves after this fateful lolfest. it's fucking bitter outside and christmas is fast approaching but whilst you're all out buying presents for other people because they're important and you love them, i've taken a break from that and figured i'd buy myself some nice things. rather SPECtacularly, one thing on this list is actually essential so let's raise a glass and read on.

Friday, 5 December 2014

just wasting my words on everyone else

FRIDAY FRIDAY FRIDAY is this real life? i can't tell. the headache is going and my vision is slowly returning but i don't know what's real anymore. feel like i've been on a weird acid trip (I) DON'T DO DRUGS KIDS. it's been a funny few days and i'm not entirely sure but i think i'm glad they're over. it's officially the weekend now so let's sit back, relax and talk about silly things - we'll save the heavy stuff for a sunday night/midweek afternoon.

Thursday, 4 December 2014

you'll never know friends like these

more boxes
oh god, i woke up ready to blog about 3 tiny things and then everything happened and now i'm a bit flustered and it's late so forgive the mess that is my head/this post. it's always the same - i have no inspiration and get too anxious about posting something shit then i have too many things to talk about and get anxious that my post will be a mess and a rambling stream of consciousness. somewhere deep down, i already know that you guys expect one or the other so that's a silver lining if ever there was one.

Wednesday, 3 December 2014

boy, don't hurt your brain

this is recycled too
well it's that time of day where i tell you just how close my head is to exploding. i couldn't face up to the reality of working a whole day today because it still feels like my skull is being forced out of the front of my face but a new one isn't there to take it's place #POETRY. so i've led in bed, in the pitch black, which still isn't enough, and thought about everything in my life because that's what you end up doing when you're almost certain that you're dying.

Tuesday, 2 December 2014

lights are blinding my eyes

i just need cheering up 
look, listen, i know you've seen this picture before and i'm sorry about that: i bet you love to see a new poorly edited picture of my ugly mug next to these words every day. but, truth be told, the ever developing headache i've been nursing for the best part of two weeks has managed to become a full blown migraine and so just about everything is painful. i still wanted to blog something though. frankly i'm not really fucking sure what it'll be yet but i can tell you one thing - it won't be good. 

Monday, 1 December 2014

there's a world outside your window

current state of mind
i'm writing to you today through the blurry eyes of a sad little homosexual, pained by insignificance, sleep deprivation and an eternal headache. i just burped and it literally resonated throughout my temples as furious echo. also, no matter the brightness of this fucking chromebook screen, any light seems to be making me feel worse. along with food, water, ticking clocks, music and any form of human interaction. but what's new there? it's only fitting to follow up an emo post with something pensive so let's do this. quickly.