Friday, 12 December 2014

everything is black and white and grey

pure & simple
monochrome is the best, isn't it? there's something so wonderfully beautiful about black and white together. it's simple, it's effective, it's understated. 98% of my wardrobe is black, white or grey BUT there is a definite fashion faux pas hiding in there: mixing poorly matched shades together. no. unacceptable. my work jeans have faded to a painful grey/black hybrid but i make sure to wear a statement colour or white alongside it. but that's enough about how not to dress, let's talk more about black and white things.

"what the fuck are you on about?"

old man cheeks 
my room is white, gold and blue. it annoys me every single time i come in because, as nice as blue is, it's not black or grey. imagine black, white and gold. i mean COME ON. the potential there is astounding. so, just to throw caution to the wind, i've been buying black and white things over the past few months until they are prominent over my navy carpet and dark blue borders. white desk, black and white storage boxes, black washing basket, black and white wicker baskets - we've got it all. but that's not enough. i need more monochrome. alice vlogged about this (RED) scarf so i bought it. she has powers. 

thank you so much jojo xo 
also, christmas came early in work today. we had our festive dinner together and exchanged secret santa presents. "how secret does secret santa stay" i hear you ask? not very. my boss bought me a beautiful tealight holder and a miniature oboe for my desk. both black. both amazing. both thoughtful. 100000+ points. it was actually a really lovely sentiment and was the main reason i enjoyed today. it's been a long, hard (quieten down) week and frankly i'm fucking chuffed to see the back of it. but before that, cue eternal present wrapping and card writing. it's wrong that i enjoy both of those things more than spending time with people, right?

oh wait. there's a song. "what the fuck is that song?"

"a big voiced female singing songs about christmas WHAT A SURPRISE" and to that i say go fuck yourself. yes, it's a cliché but it's obviously one that works - mariah is relevant for her fifteen minutes every year, ariana is doing well in making sure she releases some above average christmas songs and, in 2013, kelly clarkson was no different. i've already mentioned "underneath the tree" which is, perhaps, the best song about joyeux noel in decades but i'm here tonight to talk about the track before that. it's called "wrapped in red" and it's lovely and sort of slow but not and it's loud but reserved and it's full of metaphors and sentiments and it has this real throwback vibe so that's some boxes ticked. this is a live rendition so let's just take a moment to realise this woman was ill and pregnant whilst absolutely demolishing this song YEAH what have you done with your day? brb, listening to this whilst i wrap all of these fucking presents xo 

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