Friday, 5 December 2014

just wasting my words on everyone else

FRIDAY FRIDAY FRIDAY is this real life? i can't tell. the headache is going and my vision is slowly returning but i don't know what's real anymore. feel like i've been on a weird acid trip (I) DON'T DO DRUGS KIDS. it's been a funny few days and i'm not entirely sure but i think i'm glad they're over. it's officially the weekend now so let's sit back, relax and talk about silly things - we'll save the heavy stuff for a sunday night/midweek afternoon.

first of all "what the fuck is that like?"

i watched "as above so below" at some point during my hallucinogenic period and i remember a staggering amount of it. it's about this questionably english girl who goes looking for a real life "philosophers stone" sort of thing which can do something to metals and also bring eternal life. problem is it's hidden underneath the fucking huge catacombs in paris. cue a very bumpy journey to the gates of hell. it's a "found footage" film and, even though the genre is exhausted, i thought it was pretty good. the plot got wanky towards the end and it was all very silly but the scares were good and some of the acting was above average. 6.5/10, give it a bash if you've got a spare 90 minutes.

then "what the fuck have you bought?"

real burberry? SURE
another scarf for £1.99 THANKS CLIFTON CHARITY SHOPS also loads more christmas presents which are all arriving at different times but that makes my return home all the more exciting, doesn't it? i currently have 7 amazon tabs open trying to find some more stocking fillers and last minute things (christmas is three weeks away, let's not get carried away actually) but please let me know if you're struggling too because misery loves company and uncle mitchy loves some reassurance that he's not alone.

and finally "what the fuck is that song?"

it's "native tongue" by paramore. i heard it yonks ago, pretty sure it was a bonus track on the japanese version of their FUCKING AMAZING self titled album, but now it's on the re-release along with another previously heard one, a demo and lots of live versions. a bit of a cop-out in terms of "deluxe"ing something but paramore is good so new paramore is, in turn, also good. it's not quite fourth album material, feels somewhere between here and there (i.e #3 and #4) but there's some spunk to it which a lot of their newer stuff sacrifices in favour of accessibility. also, it's sort of about being a weirdo and who doesn't love a bit of that cliché? it doesn't matter, i love paramore xo

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