Wednesday, 10 December 2014

all these things i hate (revolve around me)

the sweetest sentiment
it's nearly christmas and, if i'm not busy being an emotional sponge then i'm wrapped up (!!!!!!) in trying to think about what to buy people regardless of impending bankruptcy. let's take a moment to think about all the niceties that are there during this festive period - sometimes we're too busy to see them. for example, one of my nursery mums only went and bought me a fucking christmas present didn't she? and it's a clarins men beauty kit. which isn't cheap. and has "mitchgcole" written all over. thankyou so much, sylvia. you BABE

this has no relevance but "what the fuck are you on about?"

since getting the beauty kit (which i am 110% into, don't get me wrong) it's got me thinking about things in my life which i really and honestly like and some things which i don't necessarily like so much. and sometimes, very rarely, there are things which i desperately want to like because people might think better of me for it: i'm sure some of you can relate. but liking those things ironically or half-heartedly isn't the same and so here's mitch cole's guide to:

"things we need to try harder to actually like"

1) coffee. okay, i'm starting low because i know loads of people genuinely like/rely on this concoction. as a raging homo, i could drink decaf soya toffee nut lattes until i die but that's not real coffee. real coffee tastes a lot like scraping the black bits off of your burnt toast and that's not something i'm into. but if you do like it, hats off to you. sleep well in the knowledge that you're more of a lad than me. 

2) charli xcx. for those who don't know her that well, you'll probably know this or this. for those that do, you'll know that she's quite the up-and-coming british pop princess. only she makes this weird sort of angry, anti-pop music which we should all like so much more than we do. but there's something holding us back. maybe it's that she's a bit too out there, maybe it's that we've not given her enough of a chance. or maybe it's that her music actually doesn't live up to the hype DON'T HATE THE PLAYER HATE THE GAME

3) politics. okay so hands up, who actually enjoys politics? put. your. fucking. hands. down. we take an interest because we have to and it makes us grown ups and then, if we vote, we can moan about all the things that went wrong. in reality, politics is a dreary grey raincloud over the world. i know we need it there and i know it's probably doing a lot of good blah blah blah but right now/all the time, i just don't feel like i have the time to get balls deep in all of these policies about minimising classroom sizes and immigration whilst maximising something to do with money. soz.

4) shia labeouf. okay, this is a weird one. he was good, then he was really good, then he started going a bit rocky and now he's a fucking moron. but i think deep down, like really deep, he might have the potential to be sort of good again. maybe if he stops making rash decisions and porn films, people will give him the time of day that he "deserves". 2015 isn't looking great for him but maybe if he has some quiet time, he could come back with a bang. don't hold me to this. go in with low expectations regardless. 

5) cats. they're actually alright. not a patch on dogs but how cute are kittens though? fickle and moody but sometimes affectionate and quite entertaining. just like 2 year olds. 

i'm going to choose one of these things and spend a lot of 2015 trying really bloody hard to appreciate it.(unrelated sidenote: it probably won't be number four, sorry labeouf) why not choose your own new thing and learn to love it? xo

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