Wednesday, 3 December 2014

boy, don't hurt your brain

this is recycled too
well it's that time of day where i tell you just how close my head is to exploding. i couldn't face up to the reality of working a whole day today because it still feels like my skull is being forced out of the front of my face but a new one isn't there to take it's place #POETRY. so i've led in bed, in the pitch black, which still isn't enough, and thought about everything in my life because that's what you end up doing when you're almost certain that you're dying.

but "what the fuck have you bought?"

CHRISTMAS PRESENTS and not enough of them. big apologies to everyone i love this year. expect coal.

and "what the fuck is that song?"

i've listened to no noise at all today but i remember really enjoying "christmas love" by canada's biggest wanker, justin bieber. i used to have such a thing for the biebs; when he hit puberty and released some average pop/r&b music, i was all for him. but now, just look at that waste of organs. save your oxygen for someone that needs it. so here's a festive song that you won't enjoy xo

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