Monday, 22 December 2014

it's you that's keeping me alive

what a goddess xo
hey you'll never guess what? i'm still hungover like a motherfucker and i went back to work today to face up to the harsh realities of just how much of a class a prick i was on friday. but, as it turns out, a) i wasn't that bad and b) my lowlights were only in front of lauren who i now love more than ever. so if you're thinking about pulling a sicky because you're embarrassed about talking to the nursery dad you flirted with, just shut the fuck up and go in because he'll probably be too ashamed to send his kid there anymore.

"what the fuck are you so happy about?"

maybe it's the hangover talking but i was really on the lookout for silver linings today. i felt like i needed them - pills plus hangovers equal crippling depression so there has to be some good out there otherwise we're all doomed. today's good came in the form of amazing work friends, wine from nursery dads (not that one but GOD CAN YOU IMAGINE what a gift that'd be), letters from nursery mums, christmas socks and, maybe most importantly, actual recognition from my big boss. it's the little things that matter and just getting a christmas card was enough to instil me with a sense of happiness. where did your good come from today? think about it. 

okay enough already "what the fuck is that song?"

here is a guilty pleasure if ever i've had one. i can only apologise xo

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