Monday, 3 November 2014

take my breath and never let it go

this is called a "champion bouquet"!!
yeah maybe your long distance boyfriend is sending you flowers but my saint of a mother bought me my very own bouquet today so i think we know who's won this round, don't we? it's been a funny old day - long and exhausting - but not a bad one. not by a long shot. but that doesn't mean i'm prepped and ready to churn out 1000 words on what to do when you're feeling like you want to cut all of your hair off. instead, i'm here today to tell you about a song i think is really good. and that's all.

"what the fuck is that song?"

it's "love me harder" by ariana grande & the weeknd (to the 80% of you that have no interest in what follows, you can leave now and i won't be upset). an absolute fucking smash of a song, i'm sure you'll agree and on my late bus journey home i realised that the video premiered earlier today/yesterday. and frankly, it's really good. not particularly meaningful or insightful but it sure as shit looks great. there's a lot of sand, wide weather shots and slow mo close ups of explosions and the like. we're probably meant to take these as metaphors for the relationship but let's not fuck about with pretentious details like that now.

ariana's on top form is her skimpy clothes and cat ears, owning her new "this is how to transition from sickly sweet to sexy sultry, miley" look. the weeknd looks like a bit of a bellend to be honest but we're not really here for him, are we? he's done a few good songs and ellie goulding covered one so he's got points somewhere along the way but the magic of this track is all down to miss grande. her vocals are dead on but not over the top. the lyrics are clever but not inaccessible to the standard moronic consumer of pop music. the chorus, the thing we've all come for, is flawless: swooning, electric, atmospheric, encapsulating and technically brilliant. it's a stand out track from her second album, "my everything", which, by most people's standards is probably mindless generic pop but, to me, it sounds just about perfect xo

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