Monday, 22 September 2014

nobody knows but you might make me come alive

terrifying but full of love 
as the blog closes in on 2500 views (wait...what?) and i've written awful things about my life for 50 days straight (again, let's just take a moment) i think it's really important to send out another great fucking big "jesus christ almighty thank you". i started writing because it helped me: it's cathartic in a time when i need a release because my inability to emote is crippling me. now i write because i love it but more importantly, because you read it. so, to show my gratitude, i'm going to give some more shit away. can't say no to free shit can you?

i won't bore you with emo hour, we've had that already.
we'll go straight into "what the fuck are you giving away?"

i'm giving away anything you want (up to the value of ten english pounds THANK YOU VERY MUCH). last time, i gave stuff away that i'd written about. that was all well and good but it dawned on me almost immediately that whilst some of you might like my lexicon, you mightn't like the same things as me. the two previous winners seemed pretty chuffed with their gifts and that was wonderful/lucky but this time around, you can choose whatever the fuck you want. so long as you win.

..."how the fuck do i win?" 

what with me savaging all of my social media with copious blog links, i decided to make a real life facebook page for "oh, mitch please!" just to ensure i wasn't pissing everyone off. another huge thank you for getting it to 100 likes in the first two days. that is something very special. this time around, to enter the giveaway, you babes need to "like" the page (found here) and leave a wee comment. it's that simple.

here's a cat eating my dinner
the comment can be on the page itself, on one of the blog links or even a message if it's private ("my dick in a box" kind of private). the comment can say whatever you like - a recommendation, constructive criticism, a correction, personal experience, heaven forbid maybe even a compliment! anyone who's present on the facebook page will be entered into a similar draw and i'll be picking another two names out of the hat (/website) next tuesday, 31st september. payday. you know? keep your eyes peeled beauties.

and that's that for today. we'll have an emo minute rather than hour to finish off: i've had a really tough day. back to work after a week off and, frankly, an exhausting evening discussing what the fuck i'm doing with my life. it's days like today where this little corner of the internet is most important. i can hide away and write lots of swears about how fucking fantastic you guys are because, really honestly truthfully genuinely wholeheartedly, you are. i want to give you all a big cuddle but really i'm not hugely into human contact at the best of times so we'll settle for an awkward paragraph about dreamy you are.

thanks again, here's an e-kiss and a cuddle xo

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