Sunday, 12 October 2014

pick my petals off and make my heart explode

little bear helping me write
do you know what? today's been okay by all accounts. i woke up in a stinker of a mood and mentally prepped myself for a day of frustration and anxiety but instead, it's turned into the utmost productive and simultaneously relaxed day in a while. my "good" mood might be short lived but at least it's been lived in at all thus i'm taking this happiness and running with it so i can write you something that won't make you want to go bridge jumping as much as my past few slithers of fury. 

there are three things i want to touch on today. hopefully, all three are interesting and enjoyable but that's for you to decide. "what the fuck is that like?"

much words many love so stamps
writing people is wonderful. yesterday i bought reams of writing essentials and promised myself i'd do some hardcore sitting and posting today. well. i did exactly that. several of you (maybe too many, i don't want you all to expect nice things every day. that's not how the world works ladies and gents) will be getting some personal and irrelevant words through the post in the next few days. some are attached to letters of love, some come with birthday presents and some are just because. they're maybe my favourite kind of all. it's lovely to write a blog but you've got to think about a) who's reading it and b) what conclusions they're jumping to. in a letter, i can be as vulgar/crude/honest/emotional/affectionate as i want without hesitation or fear. take that society. 

but now "what the fuck are you so happy about?"

monday morning chic
zombies. it's no secret that i'm counting down the days until they apocalypse happens and i inevitably end up hiding in a bathroom with my next door neighbour until we mozy on over to the mall, praying i find a spear somewhere along the way (think about it though - a spear is long distance and doesn't run out of ammo. you can keep the zombs far away and not run the risk of having your fingers bitten off). the walking dead is back tonight but, as usual, i had lost interest after the mid-season finale many months ago. today though, i knew i needed to get back on the hype so i made myself sit through several hours of back-to-back dismembering and have fallen in love with this programme all over again.

and finally, we'll touch on "what the fuck is that song?"

i'm seeing ella eyre tomorrow which i've been looking forward to for months now. she smashed it last time and, in a venue with double the capacity, i'm sure she'll absolutely storm through it again. i'm excited to buy a t-shirt too. i'd do an eyre song but i did one recently so let's talk about marina and the diamonds. first album - very good. second album - nearly perfect. safe to say, we're all excited for #3 which seems to be coming at the start of next year. she premiered the title track/first single a few days ago and it's not getting any worse. "froot" is a perfect middle ground between "the family jewels" and "electra heart" i.e wonderful xo

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