Sunday, 14 September 2014

the best things in life are free

my body is ready
today is the day we've all (...) been waiting for. it's giveaway day! GIVEADAY. nope, doesn't really work sorry. but it really is the day when i round up the names of all of you babes who have spoken to me about basically anything related to "oh, mitch please!" and let the internet decide which diamond i give wonderful things to. if i had it my way, i would give stuff to everyone. but i'm not rich or jesus so two of you will have to do for now. sorry everyone else xo

we're doing a really really short "oh fucking hell, it's emo hour" and then onto the good stuff i promise.

it's been a hectic few months for me and i really don't think i could've done it without you. the friends that i see everyday, the people i see once a month, the e-spirits that i only talk to over the internet, the stealthy ninja link clickers, the few loyal indian readers. it's so affirming to have people notice what you do and, in the most selfish way, it's done my confidence (not just surrounding my writing but my day to day life) wonders. so thank you. 

okay enough now, the last post was chokka with this kind of shit.
let's have a look at "what the fuck are you on about?" and give some things away. 

i found a "true number generator" website. apparently, there's a big fuss around genuinely generating random numbers that aren't linked to a mathematical formula that computers use. who knew? i wrote down the names of all you wonderful people that 'connected' with me, eurgh, and assigned you your own number. so special. then i let the internet work its "magic" and BOOM!

our first winner is robert gould! congrats petal, i'll be in touch. 

so i went back to the drawing board (/very basic website) and generated another random number. drum roll please. that doesn't really work on the internet does it? but props to you if you made a drum roll noise. i appreciate you and your support of "oh, mitch please". what we were doing? 

winner number two (i could've phrased this differently to make it sound less like they're winning poo) is christy greaves! well done sweetness, i'll message you in due course. 

a fraction of the possibilities

and just like that, it's all over. what a thrilling day that turned out to be. maybe next time i should film it all to take you on the journey with me? that'd be more believable wouldn't it? you live and you learn. a massive heartfelt thank you to everyone who's ever read anything i've posted here, who's spoken to me about it, who's shared it or told their friends, who's pitied me and judged my decision to share half my life with you all. regardless of your reasons, i'm still writing because you're still reading. so i love you. 

i'll be holding another giveaway really soon because it's made me happy thinking that maybe i could make a few of you happy so keep your eyes peeled. until then, stay safe and have a lovely sunday. i'm off to buy some fish!

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