Thursday, 4 September 2014

what goes around comes around

i bought this tie for my dad today
being nice is nice, isn't it? and it's really important too. there are a lot of absolute cocks in this world, too many some would argue (i would be leading that argument fyi), and it's only fair to level the playing field with just as many sweethearts. i'm lucky (and conscious) enough to have surrounded myself with a bunch of absolute gems; i might not have a lot of friends but the few that i can count on my fingers i would trust with my life. but being a nicer person is hard work when you're naturally inclined to be a bitter old bastard. can i get an amen up in here?

"what the fuck are you on about?"

i don't believe in karma or fate or destiny or most aspects of religion (sorry mum) but i definitely believe in doing good. it just makes the world a better place to live in. there was another quote (wow, two in one week. i'm not normally this easily swayed) which said something along the lines of "if you've got the power to make somebody else happy, use it" and i could not agree more. 

i do think humans are generally bad, though. there's such a focus on making us 'better'; acting selflessly, becoming more tolerant and considerate, being happy for others. but that's not necessarily a bad thing - i believe we need those positives to shape us into "good" people. you help someone to feel better and in return, you yourself get that tingly "i did a good thing" feeling. you might not consciously seek that out but it's definitely there and it's important too: we should all feel good. to a degree.

i am what the gays call an "otter"
for example, i had an iphone case which didn't fit my phone (MiPhone, you're welcome). i posted on twitter if anybody wanted it and an old friend popped up and said she'd pay me for it. she didn't need to. i am far from rolling in the dollar but it was £4 i spent a few months back and no skin off my nose. i sent her a little letter inside with the case and, in return, she messaged me today to say thank you. it was lovely. it made me feel lovely. i hope it made her feel lovely. and, as if by magic, the necklace that i bought aeons ago turned up in today's post. i'm not saying that ALMIGHTY KARMA did it but let's just entertain my irrational thought that it's a "good deed" pay back for mitchgcole.

do some more good this weekend. you don't have to spend money or donate anything. maybe just send an appreciative text. call an old friend and ask how they're doing. tell that stranger that you think they look good today. anonymously reach out to an emo blogger and tell him that his posts are riddled with hilarious anecdotes and snippets of genuine emotion and genius. you might even win a prize... 

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