Thursday, 25 September 2014

well frankly i'm just disappointed

nearly halloween LET'S EAT
it's getting near the end of the year already so let's start a new thing where we touch on a moral or lesson during the content of every post, okay? heads up, i've said it before, i fall out of love with things very quickly (but not humans sadly MY ACHEY BREAKY HEART) so expect this to last all of a week and then i'll be back to telling you how much i spent in a charity shop. let's not think about the inevitably disappointing future just yet, there's some shit for me to chat and a weird message to think about so let's crack on before we all change our minds. 

today has been as bumpy as nicole scherzinger's relationships and pop career. anyone? nobody? okay. it's been up and down to say the least. but that means for (nearly) every down, there's been an up. "what the fuck are you on about?" to be fair, i'm not even sure anymore. 

if there's one thing my dad says which is as wise as it is crude, it's "proper preparation and planning prevents piss poor performance". the 7 p's. i use it at every available opportunity: he used to say it about homework but now that i'm a real life grown up (don't give me that look) it's applicable to a lot. 

knowing what you're going to do is great. knowing it far enough in advance to plan something spectacular is wonderful. but sometimes life takes a fresh shit on your chest and it's all very quick: you've had no time to pack wet wipes or anti-bac and you start to panic. it's in those moments that you could think about the 7 p's or you could just man the fuck up, stop crying over spilt milk and try to find the silver lining in regards to your newly decorated torse. maybe it's covered your awful "hellfire" chest piece. brown really is in this autumn. 

strange analogies aside, it is important to plan properly and also, it's important to be ready for disappointment. i know i'm meant to be sunny and cheery all the time but this is my blog and today i feel disappointed so let's talk about that but i promise to put a funny spin on it so i'm addressing something quite serious in a light hearted way which says nothing about my general demeanour or outlook on life, i promise. 

not cool space leggings but real life jeans :(
maybe you should be prepared to bring extra clothes to work just in case you end up getting messy. try not to be too disappointed when you spill your own body weight in powder paint on your £40 jeans. that's your fault - deal with it. be prepared to be underwhelmed by the ending of a book which you were really quite enjoying. try not to be too disappointed that every book you read isn't a masterpiece and realise that maybe a rather prominent author might miss the mark every now and again. take the rough with the smooth.

be prepared to silently hate people because that's just how the world works, we really can't all get along. try not to be too disappointed at people's reactions when you vocalise your hate for a lot of things. not everyone is as twisted and cynical as you. also, to end on a high, be prepared to hold in vomit when you uncover a human poo on the floor of nursery. try not to be too disappointed that you had a doctor's appointment and had to dash off, leaving everyone else to scrape the brown mess from the floor and from that poor two year old's white dress. 

sometimes bad people are good people in disguise. other times, they're just dicks. take heed of what our favourite evil animated lion preaches and "be prepared". seriously, take heed because scar knows his shit.

let's end on a 'positive' with "what the fuck is that song?" and "what the fuck is that like?"

GLOOMWOBBLE. google it. it's a sort of dubstep-esque influence on a song. it's really prominent in two little mix songs (sorry not sorry) firstly, at about 30 seconds into "word up" and, more obviously, 23 seconds into "wings". it's fun, it's "current and trendy", it adds some personality to a song and being a big fan of words in general, i think "gloomwobble" defines it perfectly. viva la gloomwobble, internet xo

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