Thursday, 16 October 2014

these are a few of my favourite things

this is getting ridiculous now
as if yesterday's post wasn't enough evidence that i need to stop buying so many things, five more parcels arrived today HOORAY! these had been bought a few weeks apart and were from all over the world (i.e china and england) but i had forgotten about a few of them which means, as i said yesterday, they were basically free and very lovely surprises. maybe me talking about the shit that i've purchased is wearing thin but i've got nothing else jolly to mention today so let's take what we can and run, capiche?

it seems never-ending but "what the fuck have you bought?"

firstly, it's more washi tape. i'm re-using this picture because it's good and, surprisingly, the product hasn't changed much. i'm deep into this letter writing/card making phase of my life and this stuff is like gold dust over here, especially this rainbow of quality hence my impromptu asian purchase. you can use it to add a border to something, make some lovely little line patterns or, as i do, just stick if over every fucking thing you can find. you're welcome, future me.

he's gay too which is nice
let's kill three birds with one stone and talk about books. all by chuck palahniuk, who i've written about before, and all raved about. i am big on chuck (is that a euphemism? god i hope so) and since the magnificence of "haunted", "survivor" and "damned", i thought i'd take a trip down memory lane to his earlier works. i've got a whole hamper full of books which i need to read but i've no problem adding these to said basket - they cost me 1p each. thanks technology's effect on real life books.

hello petal

my last parcel, and by far the most wonderful, comes in the form of a deluxe boxset. a while ago (ergo july) i ordered "long road home" by charlie simpson which came complete with a signed cd, wristband (...), poster, t-shirt, free download and lyric book (!). it's taken the best part of 3 months but this sweet ass box finally arrived today. rather tragically, there was no t-shirt but i'm already looking into that and the sheer beauty and size of this thing is enough to temporarily distract me. what an album, what a boxset, what a man. (tickets for his solo tour next year go on sale tomorrow at 9am. i'll see you there) 

a rare segment which i need to utilise more is "what the fuck are you reading?"

after the cliffhanger ending of "cell" was equal parts frustrating and outstanding, i was still hungry for some more stephen king. seeing as i paid full price for it, how unlike me, i've gone for "doctor sleep", the sequel to "the shining". that book was iconic and flawless so i've got high hopes for this one too and, seeing as most reviews are hugely complimentary, i don't think i'll be disappointed.

a song? okay. but "what the fuck is that song?"

i was grumpy today so i abused the jessie ware ticket pre-sale and bought myself 27 english pounds worth of emotion. she's playing the colston hall in january - the last time i saw her, she played the academy and my boyfriend and i fell head over heels further in love with her (he's gone on to love her longer than he loved me but that's another story which we'll touch on when i'm very broken). regardless, her new album is out now and it's also, obviously, stunning. there's a song called "cruel" which is quite 'upbeat' for our solemn and placid 30 year old newlywed. it's also a solid 8/10 xo

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