Thursday, 21 August 2014

clear a little space in the corners of my mind

open to name suggestions
nothing beats that "throw everything away" feeling. your head's a mess, your room's a mess, your life's a mess. what do you do? throw that shit away. tidy up. physically cleaning seems to really help sort my head out. if my roomspace is clean and tidy, my thoughts are a lot easier to manage. so naturally, before cleaning everything, i decided to cram my room full of more absolute pointlessness.

running to the charity shop again (seriously, i want to know them on a first name basis), i rummaged through the reams of dross and managed to find something which is really quite wonderful. flashback time guys! kt tunstall's first album is called "eye to the telescope" and it's also wonderful. it means a lot to me and i make a conscious effort to ensure it's the first album i put on a new ipod. 

stop mid sentence and tell me "what the fuck have you bought?"

whilst i was shopping, one of her songs came on and as it started, i spied a telescope (hehe). i'd never seen one in real life before and it's absolutely beautiful. a real antique. i won't use it but it's more of a symbol than anything else. either way, i threw £10 at my new best friend behind the till and walked away happy. 

hello future tattoo

after work, i raced to my local charity shop. much bigger, less wonderful things. but saying that, i ended up grabbing a thermoscope (aka a galileo thermometer) which is very quaint & novel alongside a genuine darlington crystal decanter. it's so pretentious i could cry. i'm not drinking booze right now but, regardless, i plan to fill it with something equally as delicious like irn bru or happiness. two grown up purchases. (i also stopped off in primark to top up on sale shoes, candles and storage boxes but don't let that get in the way) 

i can already smell the jd 

WAIT "what the fuck are you on about?"

getting home, i realised i was feeling pretty stressed. it's not been a particularly tough week, i'm just so tired and run down. my brain is doing overtime and i'm not coping all that well with it. so, like i said at the start, it's so cathartic to just throw shit away. seeing as the charity shops are offering up such magic, i'm giving a lot of stuff away. some stuff is just fucking gross and it's going in the bin. but i cleared lots of room for my things (and thoughts) so hopefully it's onwards and upwards.

AU REVOIR (to about 25% of the final total)

and we'll end with an apt "what the fuck is that song?" because kt tunstall is the one. here's a mindblowing performance of one of my favourite tracks from "eye to the telescope". 

what a woman. 

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